The Web is All About The Writing

Wonderful insights from Lorelle, as always. Plus lots of resources.

Lorelle on WordPress

Blog writing tips and articlesReading “7 Things You Need to Know about SEO in 2014” from Compete Pulse, I was fascinating to read that “size matters:”

Most blog posts range between 400 and 600 words, but the ideal length for highest ranking is actually around 1,500.

Many still believe that a successful website is one that offers the information the customer needs and nothing more. Or that the ideal post length should be short, 200-450 words.

It’s not. It’s about the words. It’s about the words it takes to make your point and answer the question.

In spite of my 2007 article, “Blogging Is About Writing,” on Darren Rowse’s Problogger, I still hear that blogging isn’t about writing. Learning how to write for the web isn’t as important as learning HTML, PHP, WordPress, SEO, web analytics, JavaScript, and serious coding.

After four years researching and fighting for a Writing…

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Kiss Your “As” Goodbye: A Simple Grammar Trick for Better Fiction

Yes, I’m a grammar Nazi; totally irrational. I wince when newsreaders mangle grammar. Nothing stops me reading faster than an author who misuses words: “peak” or “peek” for “pique.” And “rein” for “reign”… It’s sad, and I wish I could get over it.

Kristen Lamb's Blog

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Today, AWESOME W.A.N.A. International Instructor and author-editor-teacher-extraordinaire Marcy Kennedy is here to guest post about a dreaded topic—GASP—grammar. Yes, I admit it. I’m a Grammar Nazi. I remember correcting my eldest nephew when he was learning to talk. Steaks are good, people are well. Chickens are done, people are finished. We raise crops, and rear children. 

This was being a good auntie.

Then he went off to first grade…

His teacher asked him if he was done, and he matter-of-factly replied, “Chickens are done, people are finished.”

So yes, I’ve had to learn to not be a jerk about grammar (and gently correct the kiddos even though I was cheering inside). But take heart, if a Grammar Nazi makes an error, we get 543 e-mails correcting us.

Even Grammar Nazis oops. We need refreshers and ALL need a fresh set of eyes on our work because a lot of…

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How I Write Fast (AKA: How I Wrote 70k in 20 days)

If you need a process, give this one a try. It’s perfect if you’re a procrastinator.


“You’re a machine,” people have told me. “How do you write so fast?” I’ve been asked. Well, today I’m going to tell you how.

writingfast-istockLet me start by saying that what I do may not suit everyone, it is just the way I work. If you can take something helpful away from my process to help your own writing, then that’s great. If not, then that’s perfectly okay.

First, a bit of background info…

I’ve been writing seriously since late 2009, so in a few months time that will make it five years. I’ve written six novels, three novellas, two partials/proposals (synopsis and three chapters), and a few short stories. Three of my novels are published, one is contracted (and another but it isn’t written yet), the other two novels are on submission. Two of my novellas are published, the third one is contracted. I self-published one of my short…

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Pride, Perfectionism and Anger—Confessions of a Recovering Jerk

Brilliant. I too am a recovering perfectionist, and jerk. Hard to admit it, but it’s so…

Kristen Lamb's Blog

Image via QuickMeme Image via QuickMeme

I am one of the most blessed people on the planet. Truly. I’m not a millionaire and may never be, but I’m infinitely rich. I wouldn’t trade the wonderful people I know personally and on-line for anything. This is a tough post to write because it’s vulnerable. But I know that all of us struggle and fail and fall and often what keeps us pressing is to know others have been a mess (or still are one). It’s why I’ve branded everything I do under We Are Not Alone.

I have a confession. I am a Recovered (Recovering?) Jerk. It would be nice to lie to you and tell you I never have my moments, but I do. Thankfully, they are much rarer than they used to be. Today, I’d like to talk about some of my Jerk Reformation. It could be a BOOK…okay a SERIES of…

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